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We are Advertising Award Winners!

It’s official! The Oodle team is now an award-winning agency after taking home several marketing…

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Increase Your Audience Reach

As we described in our previous article, First Foray into Digital Marketing, Oodle’s initial focus…

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First Foray into Digital Marketing

In the pandemic world, businesses are discovering the tried-and-true methods of growing a business don’t…

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The Value of A/B Testing

What Is A/B Testing A/B testing is a type of experimentation used in marketing to…

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Designing for the User: Why Design Isn’t About You

Imagine you’re on vacation and you step into a grocery store that you’ve never been…

Designing for the User: Why Design Isn’t About You View Post

How Account-Based Marketing Works

Account-based marketing, you may have heard the term floating around marketing or sales departments recently….

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Why Full-Funnel Marketing is a Must

In a world of internet, smart phones, and AI marketing, the buyer’s journey is no…

Why Full-Funnel Marketing is a Must View Post

6 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

Businesses have had to change and adapt at a record rate this year due to…

6 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021 View Post

Redefining New Year Resolutions for 2021

It’s that time of year again where we promise ourselves to eat better, get to…

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Giving Cancer the Middle Finger

Being Good Humans At our core, we believe in three things at Oodle: 1) doing…

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Why hire a Marketing Agency?

Not seeing the results you want from your current marketing efforts? Hearing crickets instead of…

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How Programmatic Advertising Can Be a Powerful Addition to Your Marketing Strategy

What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic advertising is the automated buying and selling of online advertising….

How Programmatic Advertising Can Be a Powerful Addition to Your Marketing Strategy View Post

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