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Why is my client micromanaging me?

This is a regular series where Oodle experts answer your marketing questions. To submit your own question, email


Oodle Partner Ryan Hughes: This could be a lot of things, but the No. 1 reason is, your client doesn’t trust you.

A lot of people get offended by that, because they’re supposed to be the “expert.” But sometimes your experience isn’t enough. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been doing marketing for 25 years when you’re talking about something that’s only existed for two.

You haven’t built that level of rapport and trust with your client such that they understand you know what you’re doing. You understand their business, you respect their business, and you’re making the right decisions. You’re informed enough, proactively, that you’ve got their back.

Now, maybe they’re just a person who doesn’t trust anybody, and that’s a whole different can of worms. Those are the clients you have to get rid of. But more often than not, I find it’s just, you haven’t earned it yet.


‘Oodle Answers’ is a regular series where Oodle experts answer your marketing questions. To submit your own question, email




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