Digital Advertising, Social Media, Tips & Tricks

4 Tips to Level Up Your Social Game in 2023

Social media is — well, what isn’t it? It’s hilarious. It’s heartwarming. It’s horrifying. It’s … confusing. What do you post? Where do you post it? What can you do to break through the seemingly unlimited noise?

If you’re ready to level up your social media marketing game in 2023, use these four tips to get started.

1. Follow the 80/20 rule 

It’s not all about you.

That’s the first thing to keep in mind when you’re planning your social media strategy this year. Rather than thinking about what you want and what you think you can get out of a certain platform — focus instead on what your audience wants and try to fill that need.

“Being helpful is the name of the game in modern marketing,” said Oodle Partner Mark Hughes. “Make sure you’re giving to your community far more often than you’re attempting to take because constant taking puts a negative taste in your customer’s mouth.”

The basic rule is 80/20. This means that for every one post you make surrounding sales or a particular product you’re trying to push, you need to first make four posts that are purely goodwill content. You’re not trying to get anything. You’re not trying to sell anything. You’re just trying to help.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It takes a ton of effort and energy to create quality content, so make sure you’re getting the biggest ROI by repurposing content whenever you can. If you’re already making content for organic, repurpose that for paid, for example.

Now, don’t fall into the trap of slapping up the same thing everywhere, regardless of platform. Pay attention to the audience in each particular space — what are they looking for when they log in? Then, take the assets you’ve already created and shape and optimize them for what you need.

It still takes time, effort, and expertise, but at least you’re not starting from scratch every single time.

3. Set your KPIs, and stick to them 

With so many platforms and so many different metrics, how do you know what’s really working and what’s a waste of time?

That’s why it’s so important to figure out your goals and how you plan to measure success before you run the content. (No going back after the fact and only then trying to figure out what you wanted and whether it worked.)

Your KPIs should be different for each platform since each platform serves a different purpose with different goals. So figure out what you want from each space, set KPIs to reflect that, and hold each platform accountable to those specific metrics.

Metrics are constantly evolving, so you’ll never be “done” with this exercise. But you can get to the point where you’ll be able to say, “This is the most accurate picture of performance we can get. From here, we’re willing to say, ‘This channel is working. This channel isn’t.’”

It’s worth noting that you shouldn’t necessarily ignore typical vanity metrics (likes or comments) — but measuring your true content performance on real numbers like engagement rate speaks higher to the stickiness and overall value of your content.

4. Set your budget wisely

Unless you have an unlimited pot of money — and if you do, can we get in on that? — you need to be careful with every dollar. That means you need to:

  1. Know your audience.
    It’s tempting to jump at every new platform just because it’s shiny, but your money is best spent wherever your customers are spending their time. Before you pop into any social space, you need to make sure there’s an appetite there for your content and your brand.So figure out where your audience is, figure out what they want, and go be helpful.
  2. Focus on your biggest ROI.
    Think of your money like a pot of water, and each social platform is a bucket. Rather than filling each bucket equally, it’s better to find the bucket (or platform) that works best for you, and fill that one until you start to see a diminishing return.If that means all your money is spent on Meta and you have nothing left for any other platform, that’s fine. It’s better to have one full bucket where you can make a real impact than 10 buckets with a drop each that no one will notice.
  3. Aim for your best target.
    This is a tip for smaller advertisers, those spending less than a few thousand dollars monthly on paid social. If that’s you, you’re probably best served to focus on bottom-of-the-funnel content rather than broader brand awareness campaigns. There’s simply too much noise at the top for you to make any headway, especially when you’re competing against advertisers with much larger accounts.So, forget about it. Focus on really qualified customers who are already familiar with your brand, and spend your money where it’s going to do you some good.

Make Social Work for YOU

Social media can be overwhelming for both individuals and businesses alike. However, by implementing these strategies, you can create a social media presence that is engaging, effective, and beneficial for both you and your audience.

Still unsure what to do next?  We can help.

Social media is — well, what isn’t it? It’s hilarious. It’s heartwarming. It’s horrifying. It’s … confusing. What do you post? Where do you post it? What can you do to break through the seemingly unlimited noise?

If you’re ready to level up your social media marketing game in 2023, use these four tips to get started.

1. Follow the 80/20 rule 

It’s not all about you.

That’s the first thing to keep in mind when you’re planning your social media strategy this year. Rather than thinking about what you want and what you think you can get out of a certain platform — focus instead on what your audience wants and try to fill that need.

“Being helpful is the name of the game in modern marketing,” said Oodle Partner Mark Hughes. “Make sure you’re giving to your community far more often than you’re attempting to take because constant taking puts a negative taste in your customer’s mouth.”

The basic rule is 80/20. This means that for every one post you make surrounding sales or a particular product you’re trying to push, you need to first make four posts that are purely goodwill content. You’re not trying to get anything. You’re not trying to sell anything. You’re just trying to help.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It takes a ton of effort and energy to create quality content, so make sure you’re getting the biggest ROI by repurposing content whenever you can. If you’re already making content for organic, repurpose that for paid, for example.

Now, don’t fall into the trap of slapping up the same thing everywhere, regardless of platform. Pay attention to the audience in each particular space — what are they looking for when they log in? Then, take the assets you’ve already created and shape and optimize them for what you need.

It still takes time, effort, and expertise, but at least you’re not starting from scratch every single time.

3. Set your KPIs, and stick to them 

With so many platforms and so many different metrics, how do you know what’s really working and what’s a waste of time?

That’s why it’s so important to figure out your goals and how you plan to measure success before you run the content. (No going back after the fact and only then trying to figure out what you wanted and whether it worked.)

Your KPIs should be different for each platform since each platform serves a different purpose with different goals. So figure out what you want from each space, set KPIs to reflect that, and hold each platform accountable to those specific metrics.

Metrics are constantly evolving, so you’ll never be “done” with this exercise. But you can get to the point where you’ll be able to say, “This is the most accurate picture of performance we can get. From here, we’re willing to say, ‘This channel is working. This channel isn’t.’”

It’s worth noting that you shouldn’t necessarily ignore typical vanity metrics (likes or comments) — but measuring your true content performance on real numbers like engagement rate speaks higher to the stickiness and overall value of your content.

4. Set your budget wisely

Unless you have an unlimited pot of money — and if you do, can we get in on that? — you need to be careful with every dollar. That means you need to:

  1. Know your audience.
    It’s tempting to jump at every new platform just because it’s shiny, but your money is best spent wherever your customers are spending their time. Before you pop into any social space, you need to make sure there’s an appetite there for your content and your brand.So figure out where your audience is, figure out what they want, and go be helpful.
  2. Focus on your biggest ROI.
    Think of your money like a pot of water, and each social platform is a bucket. Rather than filling each bucket equally, it’s better to find the bucket (or platform) that works best for you, and fill that one until you start to see a diminishing return.If that means all your money is spent on Meta and you have nothing left for any other platform, that’s fine. It’s better to have one full bucket where you can make a real impact than 10 buckets with a drop each that no one will notice.
  3. Aim for your best target.
    This is a tip for smaller advertisers, those spending less than a few thousand dollars monthly on paid social. If that’s you, you’re probably best served to focus on bottom-of-the-funnel content rather than broader brand awareness campaigns. There’s simply too much noise at the top for you to make any headway, especially when you’re competing against advertisers with much larger accounts.So, forget about it. Focus on really qualified customers who are already familiar with your brand, and spend your money where it’s going to do you some good.

Make Social Work for YOU

Social media can be overwhelming for both individuals and businesses alike. However, by implementing these strategies, you can create a social media presence that is engaging, effective, and beneficial for both you and your audience.

Still unsure what to do next?  We can help.




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